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Beautiful me
Little Disclaimer
Welcome to my ohsem blog *perasan gilos* . You've stuck in my unprivate diary. Be nice here or i call My Superman kill you!.Please don't COPY anything without my permission! if you want anything just ASK. thanks for visiting here ♥
hahaha ! nme dea neh syahmi kud ! hahaha , dea neh mmbe sy , kmi dh lme knal . keh3 , sy sje jep amek pic dea , bucan lha ,ta tahu na buad pe . . lalala ~
Mine; Name :Fairuza Husna bt Mokhtar Famous as : C U U N A Age : sweet Onesix Born at : Malaysia Stay : Underwater haha Hobbies : Blogging, Facebooking, Tweeting Status : Already taken with My Superman a.k.a no one :D
hahaha ! nme dea neh syahmi kud ! hahaha , dea neh mmbe sy , kmi dh lme knal . keh3 , sy sje jep amek pic dea , bucan lha ,ta tahu na buad pe . . lalala ~